Despite stains, democracy has thrived in India

At many points of time after independence, we’ve encountered dark periods and taken shaky steps. But getting up after falling down has become second nature to Indians. There can be a debate over the speed of our progress, but not on the progress itself. Source: Despite stains, democracy has thrived in India – Livemint


A peek into my travel to Bergen, the second-largest city in Norway. Bergen is located on the western coast of Norway and is known to be the gateway to Norwegian fjords.

The perplexity of life

This was my first and only attempt at writing a poem of sorts. I wrote it long long ago but never published it. I saw it in my drafts recently. I am no poet and this is nothing fancy. But I feel like sharing it today, so here it is 🙂

Who I am and why I’m here

Short answer: I am someone that created a blog two years back and let it slip into hibernation and I am here to jerk awake my blog from its deep slumber. For a more dramatic tale of why this blog was created, read on ;). I have no siblings and while growing up, I changed cities and…


Hope is being able to see that there is light  despite all the darkness. – Desmond Tutu

The Chalmers Day – for a sustainable future

It was the Chalmers Day today – a day long event with many lectures and discussions on sustainability. My favourite was Anders Ynnerman’s walk through a 3D journey in cosmos. It was a flat-screen version of the Cosmos 3D show that is screened at Visualization Center C in Norrköping. The movie started with a real-time…

The Two Indias

When I was back home in India during the summer, I was just going through my contact list and trying to refine it – deleting numbers I don’t need anymore. There were two names I came across that I couldn’t immediately recognize. But soon enough I remembered who they were and this is a story…

Tram Troubles!!

It’s been 10 months since I moved to Sweden. And at least in terms of infrastructure everything here seems so perfect, especially to someone coming from India! Of course Sweden is way expensive, but nothing is usually out of order here. When everything keeps happening as planned or as expected, life can start to get…